
Airbnb Income: Why Hosting With Airbnb Makes Solid Financial Sense

With the latest round of interest rate rises negatively impacting property investors in the hip pocket, it is unsurprising many are now turning to Airbnb to increase their rental yield. In popular tourist areas such as the Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast or Melbourne’s Mornington Peninsula and major capital cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Hobart, investors can realise the same income in two or three days with, for example, Melbourne Airbnb management, that they would normally expect to receive in a week with a long-term tenant. 

Unlike long-term tenancies, Airbnb offers hosts the transparency to personally vet guests. Airbnb also offers the security of $1 million insurance which covers a range of scenarios including injury, damage and theft.

Oasis Stay recognises the major investment hosts have in their homes and provides secure, reliable and professional Airbnb property management and housekeeping services so owners enjoy a ‘set and forget’ income.

Is my property suitable for Airbnb?

This is a question many property owners ask. Almost every type of property is suitable for Airbnb, as it aims to cater to the full spectrum of guest budgets. Airbnb stays must offer all the amenities one would expect in a home including access to clean, functioning kitchen and toilet facilities, and private, secure sleeping accommodation.

Many Airbnb hosts have a single room in a house or apartment to let for short-term stays. Naturally, whole homes and apartments are the more popular options for families and those seeking privacy.

At the other end of the scale, many Airbnb hosts are concerned that the significant investment they have made in their home may be at risk from rowdy or negligent guests. Airbnb has a feedback rating system to address these concerns and ensure that the host has the final approval of all guests who intend to stay at their property. Hosts can read through past reviews and ask potential guests questions about their intended stay prior to making a final decision.

Hosts have an option to include a one-off cleaning fee component in the pricing which can be costed to include property management and housekeeping charges. This can mean caretaking of the property becomes cost-neutral.

How to create a secure, comfortable retirement using Airbnb 

Let’s do some number crunching to compare the income generated through long-term rental as opposed to Airbnb in a popular location such as Broadbeach in Queensland. Using realestate.com.au as a guide, a long-term tenancy for a one-bedroom apartment can expect a rental yield of around $590 per week in this location. Annual expenses on this property will likely include exorbitant body corporate fees of upwards of $300 per week, making the rental yield comparatively small. 

Compare this to a similar property rented nightly through Airbnb which would attract a return of approximately $210 per night – bringing in more than the long-term rental in only three nights!

Furthermore, Airbnb’s calendar allows hosts to block out periods of time when they can use the property for a vacation or allow friends and family to stay – perfect.

Is managing an Airbnb property hard?

Cleaning and maintaining an Airbnb is demanding and time-consuming, as guests expect every level of property to be immaculate, regardless of their budget. Using a professional property management service like Oasis Stay takes the guesswork out of being an Airbnb host. Our local operators deliver full-service property management including maintenance and housekeeping. We can even assist with property styling and photography!

Contact the team at Oasis Stay today and let’s start the conversation that can lead you to a secure financial future through Airbnb hosting.




为此,Oasis Stay 运用多年短租民宿运营经验,筛选出以下几个优质平台。

1. Airbnb


2. Booking.com


3. Expedia


4. HomeAway

Why hotel when you can HomeAway(有了HomeAway,何须Hotel)是HA的品牌标语。公司成立于2004年,目前在全球145个国家拥有超过50万个假日租赁房源。
与Airbnb不同的是,Homeaway向游客提供免费服务,包括信息查询服务外,房源审查和游客利益保险等。对游客的多方面保障,使更多人愿意通过HA预定住宿。但与此同时,HA对房东也十分友善,当因特殊原因房东不得不取消预定, CarefreeRentalGuarantee会由HA平台在规定范围内补偿游客,而非由房东方补偿。

5. TripAdvisor


6. Agoda

Agoda是一家在线酒店预订网站,酒店范围主要集中在中国、日本、韩国、东南亚、以及澳大利亚。创始人Michael Kenny于上世纪90年代初从美国移居泰国,并在普吉岛建立公司,开始了网站的发展。在亚太地区的影响力较大,平台订单流量高,但因为走的是低价优惠的路线,客人预定时往往会“货比三家”导致订单取消率较高。

靠谱、诚信、稳定、曝光率高,以及对客人的监管和房东保偿机制,永远是Oasis Stay在选择平台时首要考虑的重点因素。以上几个平台优势互补,在增加订单流量的同时,也不会过分依赖于单独某一两个平台,以防止当某平台出现问题时的尴尬情况。想了解更具体的多平台运营,或值得推的新兴平台,请联系我们获得更多信息。