Put Your Airbnb Properties Online Before the Lockdown Ends

The COVID-19 global health crisis has had a massive impact on all businesses. However, lockdown measures have been felt particularly harshly in the travel and tourism industry. 

Social distancing and the recommendations that everyone stays at home have put travel out of the equation. 

If you are the owner of a property that you’d like let out on short leases, you’ll have no doubt had to close your doors and will have lost all of your trade during the lockdown. And, you’ll probably have some very reasonable concerns about the future. 

With worries over the state of the economy, and with uncertainty over how long general social distancing measures will last for, how should you handle the crisis from a business perspective? How can you make money from your property?

One way that you could do this is to offer your property up for rent on Airbnb. 

Taking proactive measures to promote your Airbnb is essential. One of the best promotion strategies will be to list your Airbnb property online before the Australia COVID-19 shutdown ends. 

Put Your Airbnb Properties Online Before the Lockdown Ends

Life After Lockdown

After spending weeks in shutdown, Australians will be feeling restless. Many will have had to cancel travel plans already, so there is a chance that many people will want to take a holiday. After all, it’s been a stressful couple of months. But with overseas travel out of the question, for the time being, staying in Australia may be the only real option for many. If you own a property that you’d like to rent out on a short lease basis, it will be essential that you be ready to capture the staycation tourists. 


List Your Property on Airbnb

Airbnb is one of the most successful short term rentals platforms. With around 150 million users, the site provides listings for short term lets and a way of arranging the booking. This makes it a great idea to list Airbnb properties in Australia. Users can look at properties in specific areas. With pictures and descriptions of the property posted to the site by the home’s owners, it’s vital that your listing will stand out from the crowd. But how do you write a great Airbnb listing? What do visitors want to see from the property?With the help of an Airbnb Management for Melbourne properties, you’ll get the best quality photos and descriptions designed to convince tourists to make a booking. Not only that, but at Oasis Stay, your property will be perfectly staged to make it desirable to renters. Having the help of people that know what customers are looking for in a property will really help to make your property more impactful in the Airbnb listings. Put Your Airbnb Properties Online Before the Lockdown Ends

Taking Care of Your Airbnb Property

Once you’ve signed up to Airbnb, you’ll start to get visitors. However, along with visitors comes the need to take care of your home continually. Between guests, the property will need a full clean. There may be maintenance issues that need addressing from time-to-time. This probably all sounds fine if you’re running bed and breakfast. It’s perhaps all par for the course. However, for the majority of Airbnb property owners, letting the property out provides a sideline income. You may have a regular job to go to. You may not even live close to the property to be able to keep making trips. There are ways of keeping your property looking great at all times without the need to spend so much time and effort into the upkeep of your short-term let. Make use of the services of Airbnb Management Service for Sydney, and your property will be well taken care of. That means that you’ll get the rental income on your property, and someone else can do the work for you. 


Listing With Airbnb During COVID-19 

If you’ve got time on your hands due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, this is an excellent time to start planning your Airbnb listings. The sooner your property is ready to take in guests, the quicker you’ll start to see the rentals coming in. Given the current situation with COVID-19, you will need to make specific considerations. Firstly, you may see a more significant number of cancellations that usual. If you are prepared for this, you can manage this situation easily. You may also want to be flexible about lengths of lets during the pandemic. Having the flexibility to take longer-term renting may mean that your Airbnb property is never left empty. For help with your Airbnb property listing, get in touch with Oasis Stay property management service today. 

How to Limit the Impact of Coronavirus Cancellations for Short-Term Rental

We’re now well aware of the far-reaching consequences of the coronavirus pandemic on the short-term rental industry. Property managers around the world are faced with an inevitable influx of booking cancellations. While it may seem like the only option is to brace for impact, now is the time to be proactive.

With this global crisis putting the world somewhat on pause, it’s critical to consider new strategies for preventing future cancellations and ensuring that canceled bookings aren’t entirely lost opportunities.

Here are some key strategies for making the most of current cancellations and mitigating the risk of future losses.

Targeting the right customers

Short stay rental market for the tourism during this crisis does die out, however, to whoever actually needs an accommodation whether its due to quarantine, border closure or city lock-downs. Those guests generally tend to seek for a longer reservation and that is what we should target and attract.

Make it appealing

Put highlights in your listing profile photos: sanitized property , enough toilet paper rolls, masks provided, grocery shopping, or fast wifi, playstation 4 and games provided. something to let these guests know it is comfy for a long stay by a glance .


How to Limit the Impact of Coronavirus Cancellations for Short-Term Rental

Increase long term discount and lower daily prices. Not from 5% to 8% weekly or monthly discount, we are talking about 10-20 % discount or more. Remember empty property would not make a dime for you.

Change it to flexible refund policy.

At this stage, we should worry about if we have any guests left , not what if guests cancel before they come. Guests want more protection toward themselves , give them what they want. Don’t forget to highlight this in your listing profile picture to let guests see yours is better than others.

Make the move first

Focus on the bookings you still have in place to limit the damage before guests even have a chance to completely cancel their reservations. Given that travel regulations are tightening, it’s likely that you’ll experience more guests seeking to cancel, so it’s important to be proactive before they do so.

For guests with bookings in the next 3-4 weeks who are likely to cancel due to COVID-19, try reaching out with offers designed to avoid outright cancellations and secure future business. For example, ask guests if they’d like to reschedule their reservation — and to help seal the deal, include a discount that guests can use when booking new dates.

Staying Aware

The best way to remain proactive and offer guests effective solutions is by keeping a finger on the pulse of what’s happening in our industry as a result of coronavirus. To make sure you’re always on top of the cancellation policies of the OTAs (online travel agencies) your properties are listed on, refer to these helpful links:

There are new policies and news updating on daily basis. Some of them are critical to help hosts get thro this Crisis.

Seeking for help from management agencies or management system

The way short stay managing agencies work is no income no commission. Especially with Oasis Stay, during the COVID-19 crisis, we offer list your properties first then charge later to lower the cost for owners to see if it works.

How to Limit the Impact of Coronavirus Cancellations for Short-Term Rental

Guesty as a property management system is also worth mentioning. They are able to list your properties on multiple platforms syncing messages, payment, prices , tasks and help hosts to communicate with platforms. During the dark time, they have been helping a lot of agencies and hosts to stay on top.


7 Amazing Tips to Make You the Perfect Melbourne Airbnb Host

Airbnb management Melbourne can be a lot of work, especially behind the scenes wherein you need to build your brand, grow it, reach out to clients, and manage their stay in addition to being completely professional at all times.

Here are 7 incredible yet practical tips that you can implement, as an Airbnb host in Melbourne, in order to stand out from other Melbourne Airbnb property managers:

  1. Be detailed:

Pay close attention to detail. Only when you set right the detailed aspects of your home will your business start to skyrocket.  Your guests are not expecting any unpleasant surprises thrown their way. So, make sure you mention each aspect of your property in great detail so that your guests’ stay turns out to be nothing but pleasurable.

  1. Be competitive:

Healthy competition is the key here. Sure, you may have the best services and the most beautiful and comfortable rental home, but with adequate positive reviews to back it up, potential clients may not take your business seriously.

Hence, make sure you always ask for feedback. In the case of positive feedback, dg deeper to know what precisely they liked while you can work on upgrading those services. A negative feedback definitely gives you more room to revamp your Melbourne Airbnb rental management skills for better customer experience in the future.

  1. Be relevant:

Keep updating your services and postings regularly. You needn’t revamp your listings altogether but a few tweaks here and there will do the trick. Keep posting fresh pictures and keep your description trendy.

For instance, if there’s a popular show or an event happening nearby, you might want to mention it to the guest prior to booking so that you can hike your prices accordingly.

  1. Be generous:

Sure, we understand you can’t be overly generous with every guest, but basics like shower gel, shampoo, and a spare toothbrush didn’t hurt anyone. While at it, some popular snacks and chocolates can be a good way to earn those brownie points!

  1. Be financially apt:

It is important to be on the top of your game where financial and legal issues are concerned. Stay fully aware of the changing legalities regarding putting up your home on rent. Also, never hesitate to invest your money back into this business in order to gain much more returns sooner rather than later.

  1. Be mindful:

Regardless of you renting your space just for the weekends or all year round, be mindful of your neighbors. Better still, keep them in the loop. In addition to that, make sure your guests are fully aware of the rules in your neighborhood pertaining to parking, loud music, and pets in the vicinity.

  1. Be welcoming:

This is, perhaps, the biggest aspect that most Airbnb hosts don’t work upon. You need to make your guests feel wanted and welcome under all circumstances.

In order to do this, you can hand them a travel guide as soon as they land at your doorstep. This will include ways to access public transport, local eateries, shopping areas, and underrated areas in your city.

Also, you can include another booklet or guide which talks about your home in detail. Add a personal touch to it like a story that dates back to how and when the homeowner purchased the property and if there’s any sentimental value attached to it. Nothing establishes a bond stronger than an emotional connection.

While at it, include small details to go about your home in this guidebook as well, like running the faucet, radiators, and where to access the first-aid kit and so on.

Summing it up:

As a business owner, you need to stay consistent on these tips until your brand starts coming across as reliable and trustworthy to your clients. This may take anywhere between 6 months to a year to upgrade your Melbourne Airbnb property management, but the results are highly worth it!

10 Fun Facts about Airbnb

Airbnb is one of the leading names in the vacation rental business promising its clients amazing, professional service. 12 years post its foundation, Airbnb continues to grow with steep figures every passing year.

However, not everyone knows about their humble beginnings when the company was still in its budding stage. Their future plans, numbers, and social work is far more interesting than what appears on the surface.

Here are 10 fun facts about Airbnb that will have you looking at them in a different light:

  1. “Air” bnb:

The very first item to be rented by the founder Brian Chesky and his roommates was an air mattress on their living room floor. They did it as a desperate attempt to pay rent. The “air” in Airbnb is a tribute to their humble beginnings.

  1. Standing out on breakfast:

Founded in 2008, the very first funding for Airbnb came from selling repackaged boxes of cereal ‘Obama O’s’ and ‘Cap’n McCain’s’ which was popular then due to the Presidential elections. It helped generate $30,000 by selling each box at $40.

  1. Small in size, Big on experience:

A one-square meter water-proof construction house in Germany, one of the smallest houses and intended for one, was listed on Airbnb. It had a desk, a bed, and a chair.

It was one-euro-a-night rent on wheels and was the cheapest listing in Europe at the time. This inspired a young artist in Boston, Massachusetts to build a similar house which was a hit as well.

  1. Variety of living spaces:

There is a huge variety of living spaces that Airbnb offers on rent which are not just limited to villas and apartments. Some of the other options include tree houses, igloos, lighthouses, castles, and yachts. Furnished caves and private islands are also not off the list!

  1. The OG B&B on Airbnb:

Brian Chesky, the CEO of Airbnb, had his own property and the original Airbnb headquarters listed on the site as well up until 2015. The experience was said to be quite professional and hospitable in addition to Brian Chesky being very down-to-earth.

  1. Proactive members of society:

Hurricane Sandy in 2012 inspired Airbnb to launch the emergency Disaster Response & Relief program. It works towards providing free shelter to people fallen prey to natural disasters as well as volunteers. As of 2018, it has aided about 100 evacuations centers over the world.

  1. Skyrocketed bookings:

In 2008, the year of its launch, Airbnb ended up catering to 400 guests in total. 10 years later, its sales have rocketed with hosting more than 400 guests every 2 minutes! In other words, this company has seen an immense increase of 26,280,000%!

  1. Spread across the globe:

Airbnb is present all across the world in almost all countries except a handful which consists of Iran, Sudan, Syria, and North Korea. That’s 95.97% of the world!

  1. Future of Airbnb:

Although as of 2020, Airbnb isn’t a publicly shared company yet. However, it intends to do so in the next few years.

  1. Story in the logo:

Airbnb’s logo is nothing but an upside-down heart. However, there’s more to it. The loop within the logo resembles a map pin indicative of their omnipresence. Officially known as Bélo, the Airbnb logo represents the idea of belonging for people, places, and love which is the core strength of the company.

Summing it up:

Airbnb is as promising as it can get. It boasts of immense professional service that is only upgrading with time and technology. It has achieved quite a spectacular growth as a company and serves as an excellent example of how to run a vacation rental business.

How to Tailor and Perfect Your Offerings for Short-Term Guests

If you have endured the wrath of a displeased guest, you know how it feels. So how do you give them the million-dollar experience? How do you make them feel like they have had the experience of a lifetime? The solution may not be as complicated as you think.

We can all learn from what Airbnb did. Their catalog mostly includes homestays and lodgings, touted as “homes away from home.” The answer to your question lies behind the reason why Airbnb was so successful. It’s simple. They merged the originality and uniqueness of homestays with the predictability of proper management infrastructure.

Understanding the needs of your guests is crucial to provide them with a magical experience. Asking the questions – Who? Why? What? How? – can help you market and deliver the 5-star experience that they are looking for.

Let us look at how this can be done through the eyes of the Simpsons. If you are a fan of The Simpsons, this will be a delightful read!

Homer Simpson

The Homersons are habitual travelers, and they often look for simplicity and convenience. These kinds of guests want to feel at home, away from home. Enhance their experience by providing them with personalized suggestions.

Offer them tips on where they can find a good ol’ local meal. Make sure you know the local attractions, specifically bars and restaurants. Since the Homersons are usually aged around 35-56, it doesn’t hurt to provide complimentary amenities, like access to local entertainment channels or room service.

Mr. Burns

If the area you are in has some semblance to silicon valley, you might attract a lot of suits. These people have very little time on their hands to search for an excellent place to stay, so you can capitalize on it by providing predictability and reliability. A good experience can result in repeated bookings from both your guests and their business partners.

The suits type are generally tech-oriented, so make sure you tailor your experience to fit their needs. The comforts that can make or break their experience includes high-speed wifi, access to a telephone, around the clock dining experience, and easy fitness access. These people need to get things done fast. They are willing to pay more for a setting that promotes both productivity and rest. Resolve any issues they have immediately.

Lisa Simpson

These guests are looking for something to quest their cultural curiosities. Giving your hotel a touch of the local is a surefire way to heighten their experiences. Try pointing them in the direction of the local museum, an art gallery, or even the local brewery. They want a different experience from the monotony of a traditional hotel.

Have your meal plan filled with local delights, and offer them a lecture on the history of your area. This will give them a truly immersive and unique experience, making their stay that much more exciting and pleasurable.

Maggie Simpson

Some of the quests may have a “little” one with them. To provide them with the best hospitality, offer them a crib, and have a system in place for them to dispose of their diapers. Families with babies might be looking for a space that can provide them with security and peace of mind, while also trying to make their stay an enjoyable experience.

Offer them immediate assistance in case of an “accident,” if you know what I mean! Toys, a makeshift changing table, and food items tailored for the little tots can go a long way keeping your guests satisfied.

Marge Simpson

They are the hurry burry kind of people with a hectic life looking for some form of escapism. They want to forget the monotony of their lives, albeit for a short while. This is why they are looking for a luxurious, pampering experience. To satisfy these types of guests, offer them services like spa, massages, and fine dining. Make sure your customer service is top of the line. Offer them something extra, like a bottle of complimentary champagne when they check-in. Certain amenities, like bubble bath, clean and freshly scented bedsheets, room service, can provide them with a genuinely mesmerizing “me-time” experience.

Bart Simpson

The Bart Simpson type will go to great lengths to fulfill their adrenaline needs. You are sure to attract these thrill-seeking guests if you are close to destinations that appeal to them.

Point them in the direction of their “natural” habitat, like trekking locations, adventure parks, or mountain climbing. If your site does not provide the attractions that they seek, you need to be careful of accommodating them, as they can make your place into their adventure-land! Have a vetting process in place, and make multiple-night stays mandatory.

Summing it up:

Though this may be much more than what you may have bargained for, tweaking the services based on your guest’s preferences may make all the difference and could make your guest a proud and loyal member for life.

This could be the difference between life and death for people looking for something new and exciting, something different from the traditional and established hotel industry. The trick is to understand your guests so that you can provide them with the experience they are looking for. Ask for what they need before they come in, as this shows you as a thoughtful and warm host.

How to Put Your Airbnb on Autopilot

Short-term rentals can leave you with a consistent flow of guests opting in and out of your listings. While this can keep you absolutely busy, there are some effective ways by which you can minimise your workload.

If done correctly, you’ll end up with a happy set of guests and homeowners too. Having said that, it will take a little while for you to set things in motion even when you’re employing the right strategies.

However, most of it will simply be polishing what you are currently doing. In addition to that, you’ll also be able to expand your business to scale better heights and reach probable clients faster.

9 Ways to Delegate Your Vacation Rental Management Tasks

  1. Maintain an Optimized Listing

This is the first step to planning and implementation. Maintaining an optimized listing gives you a clear perspective on your property and improves your conversion rate as well. In other words, there’s less confusion regarding the queries you get right from the start. Remember to re-optimize your listings frequently, at least semi-annually.

  1. Setup Automated Software

There are various software and apps on the market that come with useful automation features. They save you time by automating various aspects of the management process, including up to 90% of guest communication.

Some other software tools also allow you to create messages that will automatically be sent to your staff updating them regarding any new bookings or canceled reservations. Ensure you use auto-management tools that don’t need frequent maintenance and updating in order to save you time and effort.

  1. Setup Hostfully

An electronic guidebook is the best to help your guests make the most of their stay while saving paper in addition to reducing your time and effort. It also makes things more professional and organised on your front. This resource Hostfully will not need much updating and maintenance. What’s more? You can plan your guidebook to be sent to your guests via Guesty a couple of days before check-in.

  1. Setup NoiseAware

This software is so that your neighbors are equally satisfied with your service along with your guests. This precise, little gadget notifies you when the noise level in your home exceeds a certain limit and when it starts creating a nuisance for the neighbors.

By recognising and addressing this issue right at the start, you will save yourself time, money, and effort in the long run. After the initial setup, all you need to do is send a message or make a phone call to your guest if you receive an alert regarding an exceeded noise limit.

  1. Setup PriceLabs

Maximising occupancy and regulating night rates is the crux of any Airbnb business. And in order to do that, you need a smart pricing tool as well. The best one happens to be PriceLabs in this regard.

These tools automatically update your calendar in addition to offering multiple customizations like enabling a guest to make a one-night booking or cancellation.

It also increases your nightly minimum for reservations far into the future. This resource takes about a minute of monitoring each week after the initial setup which is pretty much automatic.

  1. Install an Electronic Lock

An electronic lock is more than a necessity in today’s times, especially in Airbnb listings. Companies like Slickspaces and VirtualKEY have features like a keyless entry that makes guest access hassle-free and removes the need to coordinate key exchanges between parties. This works by giving each guest a unique code that allows them access to the rental. This code expires upon checkout so that the property remains safe and secure.

  1. Hire a Cleaner

This is, perhaps, the most crucial part of the entire process of automating your Airbnb process. In addition to being a cleaner, they must be responsible, punctual, efficient, and reliable to be able to do this job to the optimum best. Hiring the right people for this job will lift a huge burden off of your shoulders which will keep your involvement minimal.

In addition to that, a cleaner must be able to look after other aspects as well as changing bed linens, purchasing and restocking consumables and disposable amenities.

Do not consider budget here since their job is extremely demanding and time-consuming. Consider this as an investment for your business which will only fetch you maximum returns in the future.

  • Low-quality cleaning
  • Late or missed cleanings
  • Use of stained or mismatched linens
  • Lack of attention to details, like folded towels and presentation
  • Failure to complete essential tasks specific to vacation rentals like restocking supplies, checking for damage, and opening windows so your guest can enter to natural light.

All of these aspects will take a heavy toll on your time and your business.

  1. Have an Emergency Contact

This is an aspect that most people usually overlook. True that you may be the homeowner, but you cannot do everything by yourself which may get in the way of your regular management responsibilities. Under such rare circumstances, it is best to have a backup of an emergency contact that is equally familiar with the property as you are.

This can be a member of your staff or a separately appointed person who will back you up as an emergency contact in times of need. This will save you the trouble of rushing to find a temporary replacement if an emergency comes up.

  1. Hire a Repairs and Maintenance Team

Every homeowner wants their property to be in the best shape at all times, but that is seldom possible. Sometimes, things tend to go differently than planned and not in a pleasant way.

In such scenarios, you need to have a repair and maintenance team at your beck and call. You will have to strike a deal with them to summon them during weekends, off-hours, and during urgencies whenever the time calls for it.

This may be a little daunting at the beginning, especially with the recruiting, hiring, and assembling of such a reliable team. But once it’s set up it is worth every effort and always better than your guests having a bad experience.

In addition to that, you can even hire local handymen to come to aid for smaller issues instantly. Here are some common issues and the professionals to hire accordingly.

  • Issues with Wi-Fi or cable– Emergency contact or handyman, that is only after you’ve already done some troubleshooting and assured everything is properly plugged in
  • Issues with heating or A/C – HVAC repairman
  • No hot water – plumber
  • Clogged drains – plumber
  • No light – electrician
  • Lock issues – locksmith

Summing it up:

Managing properties cannot completely rely on technology without a bit of human touch. However, one can always employ technology to speed up the process thereby minimising the effort and increasing the accuracy of the process in the long run.

Using these resources in the right manner will save you a huge chunk of time and effort which can be used to take on more listings and expanding your business over a period of time.

Airbnb Self-Check-In

Your guests make it to your Airbnb property after a long period of budgeting and planning their vacation and are often looking for a while away from home to relax and rewind.

Most of your guests aren’t looking for human interactions at this point since that defeats the entire purpose of the holiday. People looking for extra service will most often opt for hotel rooms but those craving a bit of solitude and their own company arrive at an Airbnb.

Here is where self-check-in enters the picture. Not only does it reduce human interaction but it also sets up your process easily and automatically without having to worry about hiring extra staff. Your guests can also check-in according to their will without a hassle.

The reasons that self-check-in is taking over the tourism industry as one of the top property management solutions are obvious:

  • No lock-picking
  • No arranged meetings, schedule conflicts, or awkward small talk
  • Latest security technology making things convenient for guests

But is self-check-in even possible? The latest trends these days are allowing guests to check themselves in which is revolutionizing privacy, security, and their travel experience.

Here’s everything you need to know about preparing your Airbnb for the self-check-in process.

Lockboxes & Key Safes

A lockbox or key safe attached to your door handle or wall can allow another inside the property by entering a safety code. This can be given to the guests at the time of booking anytime before they get onto the property. As an Airbnb owner, one needs to consider a few aspects ahead of time.

1. Placement

A good, sturdy lockbox is quite a challenge to break into, especially for burglars without any prior locksmith experience. in order to get in forcefully, one may need to break down the door, which is an even bigger hassle. Lockboxes are already pretty secure.

A strong lockbox can easily withstand about 45 minutes of banging with a hammer which is bound to attract attention before the lock can give away. The placement of the lockbox plays a key role to reduce any potential risk of theft or forceful entry.

  • In an apartment or other building complexes, place the lockbox within the building or beyond the first gate or door so that it isn’t visible or accessible from the street.
  • If you have a house, keep your lockbox out of sight from the main road, probably the side of the house, the backyard fence, or the garden.

2. Security

Lockboxes can either be attached to a wall with screws or hung by a metal loop around a secure surface such as a door or railing. Although both are very secure, screws in a wall are thought to be targeted less. Make sure you change the code after each guest leaves. Or even better, set up a code that expires upon checkout of the guest.

3. Lock Size

Lockboxes come in a variety of strengths, sizes, and dial formats, such as:

  • Push-button locks: Allow you to set a combination you can punch in any order.
  • Wheel models: This model has four scrolling wheels with numbers or letters to form a combination.
  • Dial models: Similar to a classic high school locker padlock, with one rotating dial for entering a combination.

Dial models have been proven as the hardest to break into. The right kind of lockbox is not just easy-to-use but also strong enough. Make sure you find the perfect blend of all benefits that even include placement as well.

Virtual Keys

This concept uses a door that requires no material object to open like a key or card. A secret code or a private scan is all that it takes to gain entry onto the property. There’s no doubt technology will continue to evolve beyond this, but it’s honestly hard to see how with tools already so convenient. Such convenient tools make it even better, safer, and easier both for guests and Airbnb owners.

Time equals money for any property manager or a homeowner looking to acquire additional properties and expanding their business. And trends like these can not only go easy on your pocket but save you ample time as well. Brands VirtualKey and SlickSpaces work the best in this regard. They even offer services like temperature regulations, automated staff alerts in addition to many more.

Property managers have a variety of smart lock technology to choose from, offering all kinds of beneficial features including:

  • completely removing keys from the equation
  • automatically sending uniquely generated codes for each guest, ensuring maximum privacy
  • detecting vacancy and schedule maintenance accordingly

If correctly set up and implemented, these services will save you substantial time and money. It even automates your process making it simple and easy thereby reducing manual error as well.  Smart lock technology is one of the biggest tools we have in the modern age today that is only bound to get better and more advanced with time.

Summing it up:

Proper installation and preparation of automated self-check-in systems have the potential to make your Airbnb incredibly safe and convenient. Not only that, it even simplifies your guest’s entry and stays aspects of your guests’ stay with regards to more privacy and a flexible schedule for them. In addition to that, you will have to hire fewer staffs for the same.

What Makes A Successful Airbnb?

We often see that some Airbnb businesses soar high with demand while others simply don’t. what is it that’s sets apart certain businesses from the rest when it comes to Airbnb?

Yes, the market has been a tough place to set foot into as far as Airbnbs are concerned. However, there are certain tactics that, if implemented correctly, are bound to work in your favor culminating in successful listings and plenty of bookings.

This is why we’ve come up with specific reasons and ways with which you can rest assured that your business will scale new heights in the long run.

Gain guaranteed Airbnb success with these tips:

1. Recognize your target audience:

Miami and San Diego are two of the most popular cities when it comes to Airbnb businesses. and this is no coincidence. One of the biggest reasons behind this is that both cities have a Disney themed park situated close to them.

In addition to that, they have the beach, the excellent summer weather, and a happening nightlife. This scales the tourism rates which, in turn, increases the demands for hotels around these sites. However, not every tourist can shell out a bomb for hotel suites. In other words, these guests convert from being hotel guests to your guests.

Having said that, it is important to recognize your target audience and zero down on a niche when it comes to scaling your Airbnb business. In addition to that, it is much more profitable to list your Airbnb as private or shared rooms than private homes. Although the individual gain will be lesser, the overall income will be much higher due to multiple bookings.

Speaking of the target audience, your underlying intention must be to provide top-notch service with the right type of rentals that local hotels can seldom provide. It is all about meeting the demand with the right supply in addition to keeping at par with the service as well.

2. Implement trendier ways of running your business:

Themes work quite well with Airbnbs. Candyland, Star Wars, Game of Thrones and similar themes along popular trends work extremely well as an enhanced visual appeal as well as can make you go viral on social media.

Not only that, you may find people attracted to your Airbnb simply to experience a theme like that. You can even use a catchy title for your Airbnb like Hidden Gem in Jamaica, or Sunkissed Uptown Loft.

That’s one way of thinking outside the box. You can even look for ways to make your guests’ stay memorable in your Airbnb by suggesting some underrated tourist sites, restaurants, and shopping spots which will only go down well with your guests.

If there happens to be a special event going on, like a fair or a concert, mention those as well. What’s good for tourism in your city is good for your rental business.

There is no limit as to how far you can go by providing your guests with the best service if only one thinks in the right direction. Make sure to keep up with the trends and popular demands to keep your Airbnb updated and ahead of the rest.

3. Don’t hesitate to show off:

But in the right manner. The basic idea behind having your Airbnb soar high with business is to establish a strong point that no other place can replicate. For instance, you can come up with a complimentary photography service for your guests under a certain limit.

Extra parking space or a swimming pool on your Airbnb property is a good way to flaunt your business and attract more guests over time. Onsite laundry or other services that you’re willing to offer must all go up on your listings and promotional content so that people can be driven to your Airbnb.

Don’t hesitate to go all out with your services while also remembering to mention them when you promote your business.

4. Be honest with your guests:

You can mention, or rather flaunt, all that your Airbnb has in store for your guests on your listings and promotional content but remember to not say anything that contradicts the truth. You need to be honest with your guests under all circumstances.

If there is a service that your Airbnb doesn’t offer, straight up tell them instead of going overboard in order to make it sound alluring.

However, what you can do is play around with words so that you make your place sound appealing while not compromising with the truth. For instance, you can swap words like ‘small’ for ‘cozy’, or ‘intimate’, and ‘simple’ with ‘understated’ or ‘minimalistic’.

This is to avoid customer dissatisfaction as well as negative reviews and a damaged reputation from your guests. Also, remember to keep your Airbnb priced at what it is worth. Going overboard with the ricing may fetch huge gains in the short-term.

But if you’re in for the long haul, remember to focus on customer satisfaction and upgrading your service more than increasing the rates. The profit will follow automatically.

5. Know your safe zone:

Keep your business legal and transparent. All your paperwork must be regularly checked and updated. Short-term rental laws differ from one place to another. Know your local laws and play within your boundaries without violating any of them.

For instance, if you’re listing in Paris, you can only lease your rentals for 120 days each year which is as per the law. Hence, you cannot take the risk of renting out your listings during the remaining 245 days of the year.

However, you may go around loopholes to extract the best of the situation. You may increase your nightly rates, but you’ll have to consequently raise your bar of service to ensure guests go back happier.

6. Work for the long run:

The easiest and the best way to get your business soring far and wide is to learn from the professionals who are already running their Airbnb successfully for quite a while now. Play the hands that you’ve been dealt with right, and soon you’ll have mastered the game successfully well.

Summing it up:

It may take a while for you to implement these tips and tactics and, perhaps, even longer, to establish your business and strengthen its footing. However, the investment in terms of time, money, and effort will all be worth it and more. The secret is to stay consistent and regular. You may want to start slow and small but being on the path consistently will set you apart from the other Airbnbs in the long run.

Alternatively, you may consider hiring an Airbnb management service. Airbnb managers have the expertise and experience in this field, they know all the tricks and tacts to get the best for your property. Oasis Stay is your trustworthy Airbnb agent in Australia. You can sit back and relax as we provide the best management and get the job done for your Airbnb.

4 Tips To Make You The Best Airbnb Host

As Airbnb hosts, each one of us wants to do a great job, but what exactly does a good host need to do to receive guest recommendations?

The answer to this lies in the perspective of your guests. What can you serve to them in order to make their stay a memorable one? How can you cater to them in the best manner possible? How can you contribute in having them extract the best possible returns of choosing your property so that they come back again as well as refer you to others?

It is important to keep asking yourself these questions regularly as well as upping your services accordingly. Here are 4 ways in which you can become a host worth recommending.

1. Help Your Guests Navigate The City

This may seem quite a cliché but is pretty useful for someone who has never visited the locality before. You may offer a city map, something you can certainly provide for them upon arrival, with a useful ‘You are here’ icon pointing at the location of their rental.

Also, make sure you tell your guests where to find important services in the city such as tourist information and supermarkets. Bring to their notice the best entertainment area along with some highly underrated tourist spots and at least one highly recommended restaurant.

Guide them with using public transport systems from the rental to central locations can be very helpful. Create a brochure of the city’s mobility options as well as chauffeur services and hand it out to your guests upon arrival.

2. Spending Time within the Property

Some of your guests may not want to venture out into the city and they’d rather spend their time indoors. In such situations, your Airbnb must hold enough entertainment so that your guests can kill time even when indoors.

A couple of snacks around the place, a deck of cards, or some board games can surely double up as good entertainment options for those willing to stay in. Cooking utensils in the kitchen are basics and go without saying. But if your house has a yard, make sure it has a grill and coals, in case your guests want to make their own barbeque dinner.

3. Provide a First Aid Kit

A first-aid kit is a must. It may not be the most exciting or fun accessory, but the provision of a first aid kit is critical. It conveys to your guests to care for themselves in order to avoid unexpected injury. In addition to that, it shows your guests that their well-being is a priority to you, as their host.

4. Be Accessible

Questions, problems and mishaps can always arise, and that’s fine and normal. The best way to address these issues is to provide a quick response to your guests.

With a 24*7 Communication Service, your guests can easily contact one of your experts who can meet their needs and resolve the issue almost immediately. This will not just ensure safety for your guests but a sense of convenience and assurance as well.

However, it can be time-consuming to self manage all your Airbnb properties, if you follow the above tips to be the best host. At Oasis Stay, we provide the best Airbnb hosting services in Australia. With our professional service and experience, your guest will enjoy the most at your property and we will make you the best host ever.

Step-By-Step Guide To Becoming A Superhost on Airbnb

Want to become an Airbnb star with higher priority listings, greater booking rates, and more rental income?

Earning superhost status on Airbnb is an absolute must if you want to get serious with earning money on Airbnb. While potential guests are scrolling through properties on their phones, they’ll instantly get drawn to your special “superhost” badge and instantly know that they can trust you.

One of the biggest nightmares for any Airbnb guest is not knowing whether or not their stay is going to be a good one.

The team over at Airbnb knows this, so they prioritise and reward property owners who are consistently the best hosts out there. While this might sound like an extremely difficult task to do, there’s a proven formula to follow to receive this renowned title.

Here are the steps you must take in order to become a superhost…

#1. Host a lot of guests

Just having one guest say that they enjoyed their stay doesn’t mean anything. After all, it could have been a shy guest who didn’t want to leave a bad review, an extremely good day for the host, or some other stroke of good luck.

But when you have guest after guest come by and repeatedly saying that they absolutely loved the property and that you were an amazing host — then there’s a pretty good chance that people genuinely love the service you provide.

One requirement set by Airbnb is to have a minimum of 10 trips that you hosted or at least 3 reservations that add up to 100 nights or more.

Quick tip: If you’re having trouble getting your first few guests booked, it might be work lowering your price temporarily. As you get more reviews and achieve superhost status, you can easily increase your prices to earn more rent.

#2. Communicate with your guests

One of the most important factors in having a guest consider you a good host is having good communication.

This means responding to them quickly when they’re checking in, answering any questions they have, and doing everything you can to make the process and smooth for them as possible. After all, they’re here for a trip and they deserve it.

Airbnb has stated that their minimum requirement is a 90% response rate for messages. This means that you should respond within 24-hours to every message you recieve.

#3. Minimise cancellations

If guests are continuously booking your property, staying for a few days, then canceling their reservation — that’s a pretty good indicator that they were not having a good experience.

The best way to prevent cancellations is to be transparent in your listing. This means using accurate photography that shows what the rooms will really look like and not hiding or withholding any bit of information.

But apart from your listing, it is important that you provide your guests with a wonderful experience once they arrive at your property.

Some things to consider include:

  • The cleanliness of your property
  • How well you communicate with your guests
  • The manner in which you treat them
  • And more

Basically, you just want to make sure your guests have a good time and don’t want to cancel.

#4. Receive top ratings

The easiest way for Airbnb to know how good of a host you are is to look at your ratings.

Your rating will come from the accumulation of each of your reviews from your guests. This is another reason why having a lot of guests is important, as having one poor review won’t damage your rating as much.

Airbnb states that their minimum requirement is an average overall rating of 4.8/5. While this is indeed a very high rating, if you follow the steps mentioned earlier, it is easily accomplished.

One factor that you must account for is the number of guests who leave a review. In general, people who have a poor experience are more likely to leave a negative review than a happy guest would leave a positive review.

While there is a lot of psychology behind this, the gist is that upset guests have more to gain leaving a poor review than a happy guest gains from leaving a good review.

The way to counteract this is to ensure that you put the time to ask each and every one of your guests to leave a 5-star review if they enjoyed their stay. This could be in a thank you message after they leave, in your house book, or even in person.

BONUS: The Easiest Way To Superhost Stardom

While it’s possible to become a superhost on Airbnb yourself, it can be extremely time-intensive. Especially if you’re not experienced.

The fastest and easiest way to become a superhost is to work with an Airbnb property management specialist. At Oasis Stay, our team of professional Airbnb hosting service helps owners like you on a daily basis. This means we handle everything from replying to messages, keeping the property clean, and managing your listing.

If you want to become a superhost faster, get in touch with Oasis Stay today.